סמינר בת שבע | אפריל 2013

סמינר בת שבע | אפריל 2013

סמינר בת שבע התקיים בתאריכים 28-30/4/13, בחסות קרן בת-שבע דה רוטשילד של האקדמיה הלאומית הישראלית למדעים.
נושא הכנס: "Batsheva De Rothschild Seminar: Hydrocarons Exploration and Development in the Levant Offshore"

 מטרתו של הסמינר:

  • מפגש שנתי עבור אנשי מהקהילה האקדמית הרלוונטית והתעשייה המקומית והבינלאומית.
  • הגדרת יעדים משותפים וטיפוח את הקהילה מקצועית המקומית.
  • הפוטנציאל בפיתוח גז ונפט עתידי במים הכלכליים של מדינת ישראל.

תכנית הסמינר כללה שני ימי קורסים, הרצאות, דיונים ויום שטח אשר כלל טיול לדרום הארץ, אזור ים המלח, מצפה רמון והסביבה.

במסגרת  הסמינר הועבר קורס מלווה ע"י פרופ' פול ויימר, מנהל מרכז מחקר אנרגיה ומינרלים (EMARC), המחלקה למדעי גיאולוגיה, אוניברסיטת קולורדו בבולדר. בשנה שעברה הוא נבחר לנשיא של ה-  American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), הארגון המוביל בעולם בתחום זה. כמו כן, פרופ' ויימר נתן נאום מרכזי בסמינר בת שבע.

נובל אנרג'י לקח חלק פעיל במפגש חשוב זה ונתנו חסות פלטינה. משרד הכלכלה תמך בסמינר. חברות תעשייתיות אחרות נתנו גם הן חסויות ליום עיון, ביניהם: קוראל, רציו, דלק קידוחים, אבנר חיפושי נפט, Vinci Technologies, SBM Offshore, Paradigm, PWC.


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Held under the auspices of the national Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel and the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, this Batsheva seminar will be the first professional meeting in Israel that focuses on the offshore upstream development.

Celebrating the historic onset of gas supply by Tamar well , the Seminar aims to:

• Create and establish the annual meeting point for the professionals driving offshore upstream development in the Levant Basin and the relevant academic community

• Define mutual objectives and foster a synergetic local professional community

• Outline the future gas and oil development potential in the Israeli offshore

The Seminar’s program includes two days of plenary and poster sessions, discussion forums; and a one day field trip to southern Israel focusing on unique erosive craters within Syrian Arc anticlines and remnants of the Early Miocene trans-Jordanian fluvial system. The presentations will provide an up to date view on the Levantine basin's evolution and hydrocarbon potential based on new drilling results; review the challenges and technical solutions involved in the development of this basin; and present contributions of the Israeli academic community. The perspective of global analogues will be brought by invited keynote speakers. The Seminar will also offer service companies an opportunity to showcase their current and planned activities and capabilities in the region.

{tab Organizing Committee}

Meeting Chair:
Zvi Ben-Avraham

Head of the Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel; and
Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa

Program Chair:
Yizhaq Makovsky

Department of Marine Geosciences, University of Haifa

Amotz Agnon
Earth Science Institute, Hebrew University in Jerusalem

Yair Ein Eli
Grand Technion Energy Program, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Yoni Essakow
Managing Director, Coral Maritime Services Ltd.

Shimon Feinstein
Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Michael Gardosh
The Petroleum Commissioner Office, Israel Ministry of Energy and Water Resources

Abraham Gross
Deputy Chief Scientist for Technology, Ministry of Industry, Trade & Labor

Zohar Gvirtzman
Geological Survey of Israel

Barak Herut
Director, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research

Solon Kassinis
Director, Energy Services, Cyprus

Henry S. Pettingill
Noble Energy Inc.

Nahum Schneidermann
Chevron Oil retired; and
USA representative to the Convention Program Committee of the World Petroleum Council

Moshe Reshef
Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv University

{tab Seminar Program & Events}


  • An Overview of Offshore Exploration and Development in the Levant Basin
  • The Development of the Levant Basin in A Global Perspective
  • Tectonics and the Levant Basin Evolution
  • Hydrocarbon Systems of the Levant Basin
  • Depositional Systems and Reservoirs
  • Exploration, Drilling and Production Operations
  • Environmental and Geohazard Considerations and Permitting
  • Models of Academic – Industry Collaboration

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 BatshevaDe Rothschild Seminar: Hydrocarons Exploration and Development in the Levant Offshore, April 28-30, 2013:

Batsheva Seminar at a glance:

1.  Plenary sessions poster sessions and exhibition, April 28-29, Hotel Dan Caesarea

2.  Geological field trip to the northern Negev, April 30

3.  Short course, May 1-2 Tel-Aviv University

Perspectives and Challenges, Dan Caesarea Hotel, Israel, April 28-29, 2013

Batsheva Seminar 2013 Time table

Day I – Sunday, April 28, 2013

09:30-11:00        Session 1: Opening and Overview                                                                 

                         Chair: Yizhaq Makovsky, University of Haifa

09:30-09:35        Welcome words – Yizhaq Makovsky

09:35-09:55        Mediterranean Sea Research – the new frontier                                                  

                                Zvi Ben-Avraham, Meeting Chair;Head of the Mediterranean Sea                 

                                Research Center of Israel (MERCI);                                                                                  

                                Head of Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa

09:55-10:15         The case of Cyprus: Plans and developments regarding the offshore               

                          hydrocarbon potential                                                                                                 

                          Solon Kassinis, Executive vice President of Cyprus National Hydrocarbons Company Ltd.

10:15-10:35         Present and planned activity offshore Israel                                                     

                          Alex Varshavsky, Oil Commissioner, Ministry of Energy and Water,                 

                          State of Israel

10:35-11:00         Exploration of the deepwater Levant Basin: the opening of a new Petroleum province

                          Susan Cunningham, John Van Horn, Dan Needham, Jim Demarest and Henry S. Pettingill, Noble Energy inc.

11:00-11:30         Break

11:30-14:00         Session 2: Opening and Overview                                                                 

                          Chair: Yair ein Eli, Technion Israel Institute of Technology

11:30-12:05         Exploration, geological risk assessment and prospect evaluation                                 

                                 Nahum Schneidermann and Robert Otis, Schneidermann Chevron retired and Otis Rose & Associates

12:05-12:25         Israeli offshore exploration and development – How to manage the risks?                     

                                 Eitan Glazer, Partner, Energy Practice Leader, PwC Israel

12:25-12:45         Overview of recent marine activity in the Israeli offshore                                               

                                 Yoni Essakow, Coral Maritime Services Ltd.

12:45-13:00         Creating oil and gas knowledge-intensive industry in Israel                               

                          Abraham Gross, Deputy Chief Scientist for Technology, Ministry of Industry,                   

                                 Trade and Labor, State of Israel

13:00-14:00         Lunch Break

14:00-16:00         Session 3: Geology and Geophysics – Tectonics and Basin Evolution          

                          Chair: Josh Steinberg, Ratio Oil

14:00-14:20         Tectonic setting of the Levant basin                                                                

                          Zvi Garfunkel, Hebrew University in Jerusalem

14:20-14:45         Development of the Levant continental margin alongside Africa-Arabia breakup            

                          Zohar Gvirtzman, Geological Survey of Israel

14:45-15:10         Tectonic evolution of the Levant basin, offshore Israel                                     

                          Richard George, Diego Sanabria, Matt Barrett and John van Horn,                     

                          Noble Energy inc.

15:10-15:35         The current stress field in Israel-Sinai subplate                                                 

                           Ze'ev Reches, University of Oklahoma                                                                    

                           Amotz Agnon, Hebrew University in Jerusalem                                                               

                           Moshe Politi, Adira Energy Ltd.

15:35-16:00          Mega-scale swells and diapirs in the deep Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean and their association with recent world-class gasdiscoveries                         

                           Yuval Ben-Gal, ILDC-Energy                                                                                          

                           Yehezkel Druckman, Eden Energy Discoveries Ltd.

16:00-16:30          Break

16:30-18:10          Session 4: Geology and Geophysics – Petroleum Systems and Hydrocarbon Generation                                                                                          

                           Chair: Moshe Polity, Adira Energy

16:30-16:55          Oil and gas shows in the eastern Levant Basin, Israel: genetic groups and their distribution in the basin; how many "systems" are there?            

                           Shimon Feinstein, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

16:55-17:20         The petroleum systems of the Levant continental margin offshore Israel                        

                          Miki Gardosh, Ministry of Energy and Water, State of Israel

17:20-17:45         Climatic response to forced regressions through sub-sea gas systems                         

                                      Uri Schattner, University of Haifa

17:45-18:10         Challenges in the physico-chemical characterization of deep offshore reservoir fluids 

                          Emmanuel Behar, Institut Francois Du Petrole retired

18:45      Opening Departure to a gala evening at the Beach Bar, Caesarea, including dinner

               Chair: Henry S. Pettingill, Noble Energy                                                

               Greetings: David Faragi, Rector, University of Haifa, Susan Cunningham, V.P. Exploration and technical Innovation, Noble Energy, Eldad Weiss,  CEO, Paradigm

                Plausible monetization of gas from Eastern Mediterranean deep water natural gas fields                                                  Michael J. Economides, University of Houston


Day 2 – Monday, April 29, 2013

09:00-10:50         Session 1: Geology and Geophysics cont. – Depositional Systems and Reservoir Rocks                  

                          Chair: Miki Gardosh, Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, State of Israel

09:00-09:35         An Overview of Deepwater reservoir elements in the eastern Mediterranean                   

                          Paul Weimer, University of Colorado Boulder

09:35-10:00         'Unconfined' submarine fan reservoirs of the Tamar area                                              

                          Gordon Fielder, Henry S. Pettingill, Katie Davis, Scott Fenton, Jim Hosler and                

                          Dan Needham, Noble Energy inc.

10:00-10:25         Trans-Jordanian Miocene fluvial transport to the Mediterranean: the Hazeva Formation                                                                                                     Ezra Zilberman, Geological Survey of Israel

10:25-10:50         Applying Iso-geochemical methodology for studying the origin of iliciclastic reservoir rocks offshore Israel – preliminary results                   Yehudit Harlavan, Geological Survey of Israel

10:50-11:10         Break

11:10-14:00         Session 2: Geology and Geophysics cont. – Geophysical Investigation         

                          Chair: Amotz Agnon, Hebrew University in Jerusalem

11:10-11:45         Key issues in fractured reservoirs: from Sweet Spots to containment assurance            

                          Seth A. Busetti, ConocoPhilips

11:45-12:10         Innovative imaging of fractured reservoirs                                                                   

                          Zvi Koren and Anat Canning, Paradigm

12:10-12:35       The value of broad band seismic acquisition for regional exploration – examples from the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond                     Adrian Burke, PCS

12:35-15:00         Interval velocity model building – considerations for seismic imaging in the Eastern Mediterranean                                                                                     Moshe Reshef, Tel Aviv University

13:00-14:00         Lunch Break

14:00-16:20         Session 3: Technology and Environment – Drilling and Development           

                          Chair: Kul Karcz, Delek Drilling

14:00-14:35         Offshore development concepts: capabilities and limitations                            

                          Ken Arnold, Sigma Explorations

14:35-15:00         Tamar Development Overview                                                                         

                          Yaron Daissy and George Hatfield, Noble Energy Inc.

15:00-15:25         Drilling Challenges in Offshore Israel                                                               

                          Per Inge Remmen, AGR

15:25-15:50         Floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) solutions and application to the Levant Basin                                                                                       Cobie Loper, SBM Offshore

15:50-16:20         Break

16:20-18:00         Session 4: Technology and Environment – Geohazards, environmental issues and permitting                                            

                          Chair: Barak Herut, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological

16:20-16:45         Active seafloor processes in the Levant offshore: observations and potential implications                                                                                                 Yizhaq Makovsky, University of Haifa

16:45-17:10         HSE regulatory developments post-Macondo: implications for international petroleum exploration and production                                                               Jim Thomas, HIS

17:10-18:35         Environmental aspects of drilling in the territorial waters of Israel                                  

                          Gideon Almagor, Adama – Environmental Geology and Geotechnique

17:35-18:00         The submarine landscape of the Mediterranean Israeli continental slope                        

                          Oded Katz and Einav Reuven, Geological Survey of Israel                                             

                          Einat Ahoronov, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

18:00-18:25         Operational Mediterranean Sea forecasts supporting marine safety, Cyprus and Israel collaboration                                                                                  George Zodiatis, University of Cyprus                                                                            

                          Issac Gertman, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research

19:00-20:30         Dinner at the Hotel's restaurant

20:30      Evening session at Vradim hall                                                                                 

              The Why and How of Industry – Academia Collaboration, Kul Karcz, Delek Drilling                    

              Where do we go from here? – Marlan Downey, Roxana Oil



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 Field trip, April 30, 2013

 Day 3 – Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Field trip to the northern Negev desert, Israel:

The Negev Desert is a unique landscape with fascinating geology. While trying to see as much as possible within a single day, the field trip focused on two main highlights. The first is the impressive erosive craters developed at the heart of Syrian Arc anticlines. This is a unique Israeli phenomenon called Makhtesh (a Hebrew term for a crater). The second trip highlight is remnants of a trans-Jordanian fluvial system that transported siliciclastic sediments from Arabia to the Mediterranean before being cut off by the Dead Sea valley. This fluvial system may be particularly important for potential hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Departure from Dan Caesarea Hotel was in the early morning driving southwards along the Judea foothills. We talked about the history of inland uplift that had formed the Mountainous Backbone of Israel. The first stop was over an impressively flat hill (like a giant football yard), which is a relic of a 150-km-long abrasion surface running along the western slopes of the Judea and Samaria mountains. This surface is capped by shallow marine middle Miocene limestone. Looking westwards and downwards we identified another abrasion surface overlain by middle Miocene to Pliocene marine sediments. Looking eastwards and upwards we observed the flat Judea mountain plateau. Considering the present elevations of these surfaces and their age, we set constraints of the rate of uplift and discussed the pulsic nature of the uplifting process.

While heading southward we crossed the “Be’er Sheva channel", a deep (200m) subsurface canyon that entrenched across the Negev in the Middle Miocene and later filled by Late Miocene to Pliocene marine sediments. Continuing southwards the road we crossed several Syrian Arc anticlines with their typical asymmetric structure composed of steep southeast flanks. Following lateral thickness variations, we discussed the age of folding. One of the famous morphological features that are associated with the Syrian Arc Fold Belt in the Negev are the erosion craters (Makhtesh: pl. Makhteshim), a deep valleys, surrounded by 200-400 m high cliffs and drained by a single stream, that developed in the core of the greatest folds: Hazera, Hatira and Ramon. We visited the Hatira crater, had a look at the exposed Jurassic to Turonian sequence, and discussed the peculiar geological and morphological conditions that led to the formation of these unique valleys.

Crossing the Hatira Makhtesh southeastward, we arrived to the Oran synclinal valley, where early Miocene fluvial sediments are still preserved. This sandy sequence is a remnant of a more than 1000 m thick fluvial-lacustrine sequence of the Hazeva Formation. During the Early Miocene the entire Negev as well as eastern Sinai and the western Jordanian Plateau were buried under fluvial sediments, which were originated south east of the Dead Sea Rift and transported to the Mediterranean by a regional fluvial system. This thick regional accumulation of sediments reflects a subsidence of the northwestern margins of the Arabian Plate. We took a close look at the upper part of the Hazeva Formation in a sand quarry near the city of Arad.

The next stop was a fantastic view point overlooking the Dead Sea Rift valley with the special afternoon sun illumination. We particularly observed the white lacustrine Lisan Formation, deposited during the last glacial period in a 200 km long and more than 200 m deep lake that extended along the Dead Sea valley.


General timetable:

06:30 – Departure from the Dan Caesarea Hotel's lobby

08:30 – Breakfast en route (light breakfast box)

13:30 – Lunch en route

18:00 – Estimated finish time and heading back north

19:00 – Dinner in a roadside restaurant (paid by participants)

21:00 – Stop at Ben Gurion airport

22:00 – Back at the Dan Caesarea Hotel

Tour participation was subjected to advanced registration.



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May 1 to 2, 2013, beteen 09:30 – 17:30

Paul Weimer, Director EMARC,
University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, USA

Meiron Hall, Trubowicz Bldg. (Law Faculty), Tel-Aviv University
Preferred entrance – from gate 4 (George Wise st.). Parking is available next to the gate.

This course is intended to provide the working geologist, geophysicist, and petroleum engineer a broad overview of the petroleum systems of deepwater settings. Deepwater settings are the one reservoir system that cannot be easily reached, observed, and studied in the modern environment, in contrast to other siliciclastic and carbonate reservoir systems. The study of deepwater systems requires many different remote-observation techniques, each of which can only provide information on part of the entire depositional system. As a consequence, the study and understanding of deepwater depositional systems as reservoirs has lagged behind that of other reservoir systems, whose modern processes are more easily observed.

The course will follow the outline of the Weimer and Slatt AAPG book. I describe each of the reservoir elements using seismic reflection data, wireline log expression, outcrops cores, and image logs. Emphasis will be on geologic interpretation through knowledge of depositional systems and processes and their seismic reflection

The material will be presented though a series of lectures, and exercises. The six components of the petroleum systems of deepwater settings will be covered throughout the course. Exercises will involve hands-on experience in the interpretation of different data sets from various basins around the world. Exercises will provide experience in recognizing and interpreting deepwater systems. For most chapters, there will be at least one lab designed to illustrate how integrate systematically multiple data sets.

Registration Fees


Regular Registration


500 ILS


250 ILS


100 ILS

*Academy registration is supported by the Batsheva de Rothschild Fund for Advancement of Science in Israel
**Subject to receipt of letter from the institute confirming full-time student status.

Prices include a light lunch, coffee breaks, and course material CD.

Participants who register to the Seminar and the course will be eligible to 20% discount on the published course registration rates.



The course is class-room based and uses a combination of lectures and self contained exercises based on real data sets. Lectures review the key points of each chapter, and exercises will emphasize how to apply the concepts to data sets.
Participants get a complete set of lecture notes and a copy of the text book “Introduction to Petroleum Geology of Deepwater settings.” By Paul Weimer and Roger Slatt (AAPG Studies in Geology 57).

Secondary text is: Rosen N., P. Weimer, et al. eds., 2012, "New Understandings of the Petroleum Systems of Continental Margins of the World," 32nd Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, Dec. 2-5.


This course is intended to provide the working geologist, geophysicist, and petroleum engineer a broad overview of the petroleum systems of deepwater settings. The class is aimed at those who wish to quickly get the 85th to 90th percentile in deepwater activities. The extensive literature review and summary of recent exploration activities give the attendees a current up-to-date status.


I have divided this outline into two days. The course can range anywhere from 2 to 4 days, depending on the needs of students, and how they wish me to present the data.

Day 1

Chapter 1- Introduction to deepwater settings

Chapter 2- Global overview to deepwater exploration and production

Chapter 3- Sequence stratigraphic setting of deepwater systems
Exercises: seismic interpretation

Chapter 4- Sediment-gravity flows and their processes
Exercises: cores

Chapter 5- Overview of deepwater-reservoir elements

Chapter 6- Deepwater-reservoir elements: channels and their sedimentary fill
Exercises: seismic, cores plus logs

Chapter 7- Deepwater-reservoir elements: levee-overbank sediments and their thin beds
Exercises: seismic, cores plus logs

Day 2

Chapter- 8 Deepwater reservoir elements: sheet sands and sandstones,
Exercises: cores plus logs

Chapter 9-Deepwater-reservoir elements: mass-transport deposits and slides
Exercises: seismic plus logs

Chapter 10-Deepwater reservoir elements: hybrid-type deepwater reservoirs
Exercises: cores, logs, seismic

Chapter 15-Petroleum traps in deepwater settings
Lab: Seismic plus logs

Chapter 16 Petroleum systems of deepwater settings:
Lab: Seismic plus logs



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In order to watch the video or the presentations, click on the words "video" and "presentation" below you favorite speaker. 

All the materials presented here has the owner's approvment to publish it.

Day 1, 28/04/2013:

Session 1

Zvi Ben Avraham:



Yuval Ben Gai:


Session 2

Nahum Schneidermann:



Eitan Glazer:



Yoni Essakow:


Session 3

Zohar Gvirtzman:



Session 4

Miki Gardosh:


Uri Schattner:



Emmanuel Behar:



Day 2, 29/04/2013:

Session 1

Paul Weimer:



Ezra Zilberman:



Session 2

Seth Busetti:



Zvi Koren:



Adrian Burke:


Moshe Reshef:


Session 3

Ken Arnold:



Session 4

Yizhaq Makovsky:



Oded Katz:



Marlqn Downey:







