הטכניון – מכון טכנולוגי לישראל

Miky Stiassnie:

  1. M. Stiassnie, U. Kadri, R. Stuhlmeier, Harvesting wave-power in open seas. 2015. J. Ocean Eng. and Marine Energy, 10.1007/s40722-015-0038-y.
  2. U. Kadri and M. Stiassnie, 2013, Generation of an acoustic-gravity wave by two gravity waves, and their mutual interaction. J. Fluid Mech. 735, R6.
  3. E. Eyov, A. Klar, U. Kadri, and M. Stiassnie, Progressive waves in a compressible ocean with elastic bottom. 2013. Wave Motion 50, 929-939.
  4. U. Kadri and M. Stiassnie, A note on the shoaling of Acoustic-Gravity waves, 2013. Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics (Fluids `13), Milan, Italy, pp. 29-45.
  5. O. Gramstad and M. Stiassnie, Phase averaged equation for water waves, 2013, J. Fluid Mech. 718, 280-303.
  6. Ribal, A.V. Babanin, I. Young, A. Toffoli and M. Stiassnie, Recurrent solutions of the Alber equation initialized by JONSWAP spectra, 2013, J. Fluid Mech. 719, 314-344.
  7. M. Stiassnie, R. Stuhlmeier, Progressive waves on a blunt interface, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. A, 34 (2014), 3171- 3182.
  8. Hendin, M. Stiassnie, Tsunami an acoustic-gravity waves in water of constant depth, 2013, Physics of Fluids, 25, 086103, 20 pp.
  9. Xu, D., Stuhlmeier, R. and Stiassnie, M., 2017. Harnessing wave power in open seas II: very large arrays of wave-energy converters for 2D sea states. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 3(2), pp.151-160.
  10. Stiassnie, M., 2017. On the strength of the weakly nonlinear theory for surface gravity waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 810, pp.1-4.

Yoav Schechner:

  1. M. Sheinin and Y. Schechner. The next best underwater view. In Proc. IEEE Computer Vision Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016.
  2. Marina Alterman, Yohay Swirski, Yoav Y. Schechner, "STELLA MARIS: Stellar marine refractive imaging sensor," Proc. IEEE ICCP (2014).
  3. Yoav Y. Schechner, "A view through the waves," Marine Technology Society Journal 47, 148-150 (2013).
  4. Yoav Y. Schechner, "Scattered and stray light as scene encoding," OSA Frontiers in Optics, FTh3D.1 (2013). Invited
  5. Yohay Swirski and Yoav Y. Schechner, "3Deflicker from motion, “Proc. IEEE ICCP (2013). Best Paper Award
  6. Marina Alterman, Yoav Y. Schechner and Yohay Swirski, "Triangulation in random refractive distortions," Proc. IEEE ICCP.
  7. Marina Alterman, Yoav Y. Schechner, Pietro Perona and Joseph Shamir, "Detecting motion through dynamic refraction," IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence 35:1, pp. 245-251 (2013).
  8. Vadim Holodovsky, Aviad Avni, Yoav Y. Schechner, Tali Treibitz, Shahar Grossbard, Uri Shavit, “Underwater Optical Imaging for Quantifying Sediment Resuspension,” Poster at: Israeli Association for Aquatic Sciences (Herzeliya, 2016).

Dan Liberzon:

  1. Itay U, Liberzon D (2017) Lagrangian Kinematic Criterion for the Breaking of Shoaling Waves. J Phys Oceanogr 47:827–833. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-16-0289.
  2. Kinematic criterion for shoaling breakers. Experimental research performed on mechanically generated waves are shoaling on an artificial beach of variable steepness. Student: Uria Itay.
  3. Development of a new LSG (Laser Slope Gauge) to be incorporated into two dimensional arrays of water piercing wave gauges. Accompanied by optimization of the algorithms to obtain the 2D waves spectra from collocated (LSG and WG) arrays. Student: Almog Shani-Zarbiv.
  4. Use of Enhanced Phase Time Method (EPTM) for objective detection of waves' breaking events. Development of the enhanced PTM based on the local frequency variation derivatives and trends. Student: Uria Itay.
  5. Designing of a new and inexpensive method for dynamic calibration of static pressure sensing systems (probe, tubing and transducer) at low frequencies and low pressure fluctuation amplitudes. Also application of such systems for direct measurements of waves induced static pressure fluctuations in the air.
  6. Wind waves evolution in view of the existence of critical layer. Student: Almog Shani-Zarbiv.

Oded Gottlieb:

  1. Nonlinear spatio-temporal fluid-structure interaction of panels in uniform flow
  2. Nonlinear dynamics and autonomous tension-based mooring line stabilization of multi-tethered aerostats in severe environmental conditions flow (Collaboration with Danny Weihs, in part funded by GTEP) and can apply to offshore oil/gas rig protection
  3. Mi L. and Gottlieb O., “Nonlinear dynamics and internal resonances of a planar multi-tethered spherical aerostat in modulated flow,” Meccanica, 51, 2689-2712, 2016.
  4. Kleiman A., Gendel S., Degani D. and Gottlieb, O., "Self-excited dynamics of an elastically restrained slender rigid-body in uniform compressible laminar flow", Nonlinear Dynamics, 86, 2207, 2016.

Yehuda Agnon:

  1. Akrish G., O. Rabinovitch and Y. Agnon, 2016. Extreme run-up events on a vertical wall due to nonlinear evolution of incident wave groups. J. Fluid Mech., 797, 644-664.
  2. Akrish G., R. Schwartz, O. Rabinovitch, Y. Agnon, 2016. Impact of extreme waves on a vertical wall. Natural Hazards, 1-17, DOI 10.1007/s11069-016-23
  3. Akrish G., O. Rabinovitch and Y. Agnon, 2016.The role of hydroelasticity and nonlinearity in the interaction between water waves and an elastic wall. J. Fluid Mechanics (submitted).

Nitai Drimer:

  1. O. Neuberg, N. Drimer, Fatigue Limit State Design of Fast Boats, Marine Structures (2017), DOI: 10.1016/j.marstruc.2017.05.002.
  2. N. Drimer, O. Neuberg, Y. Moshkovich & R. Hakmon. Rational design of fast boat hull. The seventh Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering Marine 2017, Nantes, France, May 2017.
  3. N. Drimer, R Gafter, Delta Type VLFS – Hydrodynamic aspects, Ships and Offshore Structures (Accepted 2017).
  4. M. Milich, N. Drimer, Design and Analysis of an Innovative Open-sea Aquaculture System, submitted to IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering (2017).

Uri Shavit:

  1. Park, S., Piriatinskiy, G., Zeevi, D., Ben-David, J., Yossifon, G., Shavit, U. and Lotan, T., 2017. The nematocyst's sting is driven by the tubule moving front. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 14(128), p.20160917.
  2. 2013 – 2016 Vertical variations of coral reef drag forces and the role of dispersive stresses in canopy flow models, funded by the state of Lower-Saxony and the Volkswagen Foundation.
  3. 2013 – 2016 A Novel Approach for Preventing Myxozoan Infection in Fish: Control of Polar Capsule Activation, with Dr. Tamar Lotan, University of Haifa, Prof Jerri Bartholomew, Oregon State University, USA, and Dr. Gilad Yossifon, MechE, Technion, funded by BARD.
  4. 2016 – 2019 Developing new methodologies for quantifying biological sediment resuspension in the sea and for studying its dynamics, with Dr. Timor Katz, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, Prof. Gitai Yahel, The School of Marine Sciences, Ruppin Academic Center, Mikhmoret, Dr. Tali Treibitz, University of Haifa and Prof. Yoav Schechner, Electrical Engineering, Technion, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
  5. Non-invasive estimation of coral tentacle material properties using underwater PIV data, with Anne Staples, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics (BEAM) at Virginia Tech, USA and Roi Holzman, Tel-Aviv university.
  6. Collective pulsing behavior in xeniid corals: Combining field, experimental, and computational data to study the effects of background flow on pulsing behavior and near-field velocities, with Laura A. Miller and Julia E. Samson, University of North Carolina at chapel hill, USA, Shilpa Khatri, university of California at Merced, USA, and Roi Holzman, Tel-Aviv University.

Daniel Weihs:

  1. D.Weihs, I. Farhi: Passive Forces Aiding Coordinated Groupings of Swimming Animals, Accepted for publication in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters.
  2. Sutherland KR, Weihs D. Hydrodynamic advantages of swimming by salp chains J. R. Soc. Interface 14:20170298., 2017 http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2017.0