אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב

  • Tzahi Golan, Yaron Katzir and Matthew A. Coble Early Carboniferous anorogenic magmatism in the Levant: implications for rifting in northern Gondwana,

  • Geochemical signatures of benthic foraminiferal shells from a heat-polluted shallow marine environment provide field evidence for growth and calcification under extreme warmth, Danna Titelboim, Aleksey Sadekov, Ahuva Almogi-Labin, Barak Herut, Michal Kucera, Christiane Schmidt, Orit Hyams-Kaphzan, and Sigal Abramovich

  • Foraminiferal single chamber analyses of heavy metals as a tool for monitoring permanent and short term anthropogenic footprints, Danna Titelboim, Aleksey Sadekov, Orit Hyams-Kaphzan, Ahuva Almogi-Labin, Barak Herut, Michal Kucera, and Sigal Abramovich

  • Functional Screening for Anti-Quorum Sensing and Anti Biofilm Compounds from Mediterranean Sea, Prof. Ariel Kushmaro, Karin Yaniv

  • Yosef Ashkenazy , Hezi Gildor (HUJI) The deep water formation in the eastern Mediterranean sea

  • Roi Granot – I have one ongoing study in the Mediterranean (unrelated to this center) – it is on the accretion history of the East Mediterranean

  • Sigal Abramovich – Foraminifera as bioindicators for heat stress: Case example from the Hadera heat plume. Funded by BMBF-MOST

  • Sigal Abramovich – The Lessepsian invasion of foraminifera: integration of genetic and ecological tools. Funded by ISF

  • Jerry Eichler – In my department (Life Sciences), only Moshe Kiflawi (Eilat campus) has a project dealing with the Mediterranean. The project is a collaboration with someone at TAU and is funded by the Ministry of Agriculture

  • אורית סיון תהליכים ביוגיאוכימיים בסדימנטים של מדף היבשת בהקשר של גלישות (מימון משרד המדע)

  • Sigal Abramovich : Phylogenetic and ecological characteristics of Lessepsian symbiont bearing larger benthic

  • foraminifera from the Gulf of Elat and Mediterranean coast of Israel (with Uri Abdu and Orit Hymas)-, Supported by the ISF and the Ministry of Energy water and Infrastructure

  • Sigal Abramovich: An integrated field and laboratory study of benthic foraminifera as a model system for understanding the effect of thermal stress on Mediterranean coastal ecosystems. Supported by BMBF-MOST. (With Bark Herut and Ahuva Almogi-Labin)

  • Sigal Abramovich: Molecular phylogeny and cell biology of Monotahlamid foraminifera from the Mediterranean (With Uri Abdu).

  • Ariel Kushmaro: Mediterranean Sea planktonic microbiome diversity and functional metagenomic screening for anti- Quorum sensing and Anti- Biofilm Compounds.

  • Roi Granot: Application of paleomagnetism/marine magnetics for plate tectonics, and construction of the Eastern Mediterranean oceanic crust.

  • Orit Sivan (with bark Herut) The effect of salinization and freshening events in coastal aquifers on nutrients characteristics as deduced from column experiments under aerobic and aerobic conditions.

  • Blumberg, D.G., Rotman, S., Havivi, S., Schvartzman, I. Utilizing SAR and Hyperspectral Integrated data for Emergency Response in the Mediterranean (USHIER)

  • Functional Screening for Anti-Quorum Sensing and Anti Biofilm Compounds from Mediterranean Sea, Ariel Kushmaro, Karin Yaniv

  • Lessepsian invasion of foraminifera, Sigal Abramovich, Ahuva Almogi-Labin, Barak Herut, Uri Abdu and Orit Hymas-Kaphzan.

  • Foraminifera as a model for thermal stress, Sigal Abramovich

  • Palaeozoic oceanic crust preserved beneath the eastern Mediterranean, Roi Granot

  • Methane, sulfate, carbon and iron cycling in the sediments of the Eastern Mediterranean, Orit Sivan