דוקטורנט בבית הספר למדעי הים
אוניברסיטת חיפה
Anton Kovalev
My research aims to investigate the combined impacts of multiple drivers, including warming, acidification, oil pollution and invasive species, on key species within benthic communities of the Mediterranean Sea, with a focus on canopy-forming macroalgal forests and their consumers. These macroalgal forests support a diverse array of species and are important carbon fixers, making it essential to assess their resilience and stability. Understanding the mechanisms underlying the impacts of multiple drivers on this community and identifying early warning indicators of change are critical for . effective development of risk analysis, conservation and management strategies
זכה במלגת הצטיינות לסטודנטים לתארים מתקדמים עבור עידוד חקר ים התיכון תשפ"ג