Director’s Message
Words from MERCI’s Director, Prof. Ilana Berman-Frank Israel is essentially an island and the Mediterranean Sea is our lifeline – stretching ~180 km from the northern to the southern borders…
Words from MERCI’s Director, Prof. Ilana Berman-Frank Israel is essentially an island and the Mediterranean Sea is our lifeline – stretching ~180 km from the northern to the southern borders…
Prof. Edo Bar-Zeev - Ben Gurion University Member of the Executive CommitteeEmail: edobarzeev@gmail.comResearch Areas: Applied and environmental microbiologist, focusing on bacterial consortiums in natural and man-made systemsResearch interests:Prof. Edo Bar-Zeev…
Ph.D. Student at the National Institute of Oceanography, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR) in collaboration with the Morris Kahn Marine Research Station at the department of Marine Biology, Leon H.…
Prof. Dan Liberzon- Technion Member of Educational CommitteeEmail: at the Technion: Head coordinator - Water Engineering program at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Graduate studies committee member…
Dr. Eyal Wurgaft- THE OPEN UNIVERSITY OF ISRAEL Member of the Scientific CommitteeEmail Wurgaft is a chemical oceanographer. His main areas of research are the oceanic carbon cycle and…
Prof. Ilan Koren -WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE Member of the Scientific CommitteeEmail areas: Cloud physics, nonlinear dynamics, Ocean - atmosphere interactionspersonal web
Prof. Oren Levy - Bar-Ilan University Member of the Scientific CommitteeEmail Areas: Marine Ecology and Molecular EcologyAdditional information: personal websiteOur research group is focusing in understanding the dependency between environmental cues (e.g.…
Prof. Ilana Berman-Frank UNIVERSITY OF HAIFA Chairman of Educational Committee and Member of the Scientific Committee Email: Role at the University of Haifa: Director of The Leon H. Charney School of…
News from the media The Israeli coastline is contaminated with over two tons of microplastics 30.10.22A new Tel Aviv University study conducted in collaboration with the Mediterranean Sea Research Center…