Prof. Dan Liberzon- Technion

Member of  Educational Committee


Position at the Technion: Head coordinator – Water Engineering program at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Graduate studies committee member – Interdisciplinary Program for Ocean Engineering.

Research Areas: Experimental Fluid Mechanics and Measurements techniques.

Additional information: Personal Website .

Active studies in the Mediterranean: Development of a novel polarymetric method for ocean waves sensing, Research of breaking waves.

The vision for the development of marine research: Main research interests include Environmental Flows in general, with strong emphasis on water surface waves, turbulent wind flow and the interactions between waves and wind. Engaged in several, mainly experimental, research projects investigating water waves excitation by the wind, and waves evolution under wind forcing. Develop new methods and techniques for data acquisition and processing, including novel methods for easy detection of breaking waves and a polarymetric waves sensing technology, use of Neural Networks for in-situ calibration of hot-wire turbulent anemometer sensors.