DeepLev – The first deep-sea mooring station in the eastern Levantine basin –high resolution data to characterize production, export, flux, and physical processes in this ultraoligotrophic environment

DeepLev - The first deep-sea mooring station in the eastern Levantine basin –high resolution data to characterize production, export, flux, and physical processes in this ultraoligotrophic environment Principal researcher: Prof.…

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On the relationship between surface currents and surface/subsurface ocean eddies based on
glider observations and surface current measurements by HF radar

On the relationship between surface currents and surface/subsurface ocean eddies based onglider observations and surface current measurements by HF radar Lead researcher: Dr. Yaron ToledoTogether with the research team: Prof.…

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glider observations and surface current measurements by HF radar
Read more about the article Characterization of Jellyfish Swarm Dynamics and Underlying Processes

Characterization of Jellyfish Swarm Dynamics and Underlying Processes

Characterization of Jellyfish Swarm Dynamics and Underlying Processes researcher: Prof. Daniel Sher Research team: Prof. Tamar Lotan, Dr. Yoav Lehahn, Dr. Yaron Toledo, Prof. Hezi Gildor, Dr. Tamar Guy-Haim,…

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Beyond the Ridge: Currents in the Carmel bypass and Achziv Canyon and their role in sediment and pollution transport and zooplankton community structure

Beyond the Ridge: Currents in the Carmel bypass and Achziv Canyon and their role in sediment and pollution transport and zooplankton community structure Leading researcher: Dr. Revital Bookman Together with…

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Read more about the article Assessment of Geo-hazards along the strike slip fault, 20 mile offshore Atlit
ציוד הסייסמי למיפוי הגיאופיסי מותקן על ספינתת המחקר בת גלים

Assessment of Geo-hazards along the strike slip fault, 20 mile offshore Atlit

Assessment of Geo-hazards along the strike slip fault, 20 mile offshore Atlit Leading researcher: Dr. Gideon Tibor and Dr. Mor Kanari,  Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research (IOLR) Together with researchers:…

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Tracing macro- and micro-plastic pollution paths from the shelf to the deep Mediterranean

Tracing macro- and micro-plastic pollution paths from the shelf to the deep Mediterranean Dr. Michael Lazar - in collaboration with  Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov and Dr.  Mor Kanari (IOLR). Additional investigators:…

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