Weizmann Institute of Science
Prof. Aldo Shemesh, Tarce elements in vermetid reefs. Prof. Y. Rudich, Ice nuclei from marine emissions. Prof. Aldo Shemesh and Prof. Hezi Gildor (HUJI), Onitoring Of the Eastern Levantine With…
Prof. Aldo Shemesh, Tarce elements in vermetid reefs. Prof. Y. Rudich, Ice nuclei from marine emissions. Prof. Aldo Shemesh and Prof. Hezi Gildor (HUJI), Onitoring Of the Eastern Levantine With…
Angel Dror GoJelly - A gelatinous solution to plastic pollution Angel Dror Increasing Industrial Resource Efficiency in European Mariculture (IDREEM) Cvikel Deborah The Akko Tower Shipwreck and its significance for…
Collaborations in Israel 2020-2022:The Israeli Coastal and Marine Engineering Research Institute (CAMERI), equally owned by The Technion and Israeli Ports Company, promotes since 1976 applicative research in coastal and marine…
Activities of Educational Committee Activities of Educational CommitteeThe objectives of teaching via the center are:1. To expose and encourage exceptional undergraduate students to continue to graduate studies in the field…
Educational CommitteeProf. Ilana Berman-Frank- Chairman University of HaifaProf. Dan Chernov University of HaifaDr. Michael Lazar University of HaifaProf. Dan Liberzon TechnionProf. Hezi Gildor Hebrew University of JerusalemProf. Yaron Katzir Ben Gurion UniversityProf. Maoz Fine Bar Ilan UniversityDr. Yaron…
Board of Directors Prof. Zvi Ben Avraham University of HaifaProf. Dan Tchernov University of HaifaProf. Yehuda Agnon TechnionProf. Adi Torfstein The Hebrew University of JerusalemProf. Sigal Abramovich Ben-Gurion University of the NegevProf. Yishai Weinstein Bar-Ilan UniversityProf. Shmuel Marco Tel-Aviv…
Principal of the centerElected by the University of Haifa and includes the following members:Rector of the University, Prof. Gustavo Mesch - Head of principalVice President for Finance (CFO) and Business Development, Mr. Michael…
International Collaborations :2020-2022Report of the National Steering Committee Reviewing the State of Marine Sciences in Israel Executive Summary of the Committee Report. 2021 Involved in THE OCEAN DECADE:Calls for Decade ActionsEVENTS The Mediterranean…
Future Events The 4th Haifa Conference on Mediterranean Research- The History of the Mediterranean, 29-30/11/2016 The Batsheva de Rothschild Workshop - Live foraminifera / September 2016 European Geosciences Union General Assembly…
{slider title="קול קורא לחלוקת מלגת עידוד מחקר ים-תיכון" open="false" } קול קורא מס' 7/1 : קול קורא לחלוקת מלגת עידוד מחקרי ים-תיכון לתלמידים לתארים מתקדמים (תואר שני, דוקטורט ופוסט דוקטורט)…