Collaborations in Israel


The Israeli Coastal and Marine Engineering Research Institute (CAMERI), equally owned by The Technion and Israeli Ports Company, promotes since 1976 applicative research in coastal and marine engineering, with an emphasis on Physical Oceanography data, numerical- and physical- models. Interested to be a part of CAMERI projects? Contact



The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat




Report of the National Steering Committee Reviewing the State of Marine Sciences in Israel 

Executive Summary of the Committee Report. 2021









The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

In November 2016, the leadership of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities visited a facility for marine technologies in Haifa.

The Ministry of Energy

MERCI researchers participated in formulating the strategic-environmental survey for the exploration and production of oil and natural gas at sea. In addition, considerable efforts have been invested with the Ministry to find long-term financing sources for the Bat Galim vessel owned by the Ministry.

The Ministry of Defense and Israel Navy

Close contact with the Ministry of Defense regarding the use of MERCI heavy & deep-sea equipment

Haifa University, under the leadership of the Israeli Center for Mediterranean Research, is also working to establish a marine technology unit in Haifa, which will support the maintenance and development of the deep-sea research tools along with a potential joint venture with the Navy’s unit.

The Ministry of Environmental Protection

Following a request from several parties involved in sea development (desalinization, ports and more) to Prof. Zvi Ben-Avraham, the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of environmental protection, Dr. Sinaia Netanyahu, met with MERCI representatives in Haifa on February 2017. As consequences, a detecting and monitoring program is being formed to present the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

Ministry of Economy:

A number of meetings were held, led by the Deputy Chief Scientist, Dr. Avraham Gross, which focused on the development of a high-tech industry based on natural gas, and supported the Bat – Sheva Seminar and the conference itself. Dr. Yizhaq Makovsky was invited to give a lecture at the conference organized by the Ministry of Economy on “The Oil and Gas Industry: Technical Challenges and Opportunities for the Israeli Technological Industry”

Ministry of the Interior – Director of Planning

Continued participation in the forum of stakeholders to formulate Israel’s EEZ program

Ministry of Science, Technology and Space:

During the year, meetings were held with the Chief Scientist, Prof. Ehud Gazit, and with the Minister of Science, Mr. Jacob Perry, regarding possible cooperation between the Center and the Ministry of Science.

The main topics for cooperation include: Raising the need for a dedicated allocation of marine resources and ongoing maintenance of the heavy sea equipment purchased at the center; support of the Ministry of Science in international initiatives such as joining international organizations involved in marine research.

Ministry of Strategic Affairs:

The Minister of Strategic Affairs, Dr. Yuval Steinitz, honored us with his presence at the Haifa Conference on Mediterranean Studies and served as the concluding speaker of the conference, saying that since its establishment the State of Israel has ignored the sea dimension, although the maritime dimension is critical to our existence, both in security and in economic terms. We are at sea and to this day we have not been able to understand that we have to develop our marine power, “he said.

In this respect, the eastern basin of the Mediterranean must be exploited as a strategic depth for the State of Israel. Exploiting the economic potential inherent in the economic waters of the State of Israel will not be possible without the exploration of the sea. “We must understand the sea, explore the sea … our economic future and our security future will depend more and more on the future of the maritime dimension,” the minister concluded.