CyI and the Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel (MERCI) sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

CyI and the Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel (MERCI) sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) On Monday August 5, 2019, The Cyprus Institute (CyI) and the Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel…

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Staff Prof. Ilana Berman-FrankHead of the Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel Email: Position: Former Head of the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences Research Areas: The impact of…

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Tender to Assist in Funding Participation in a Convention/Workshop/Training/Course in Israel or Overseas in the Sea Sciences Field for Students Holding an Advanced Degree (Master’s, Doctorate, or Postdoctorate) and Technical Staff in Institutions Participating in the Mediterranean Sea Research Center for Israel – Year A 5771 Tender No.: 9/4

Tender to Assist in Funding Participation in a Convention/Workshop/Training/Course in Israel or Overseas in the Sea Sciences Field for Students Holding an Advanced Degree (Master’s, Doctorate, or Postdoctorate) and Technical…

Continue ReadingTender to Assist in Funding Participation in a Convention/Workshop/Training/Course in Israel or Overseas in the Sea Sciences Field for Students Holding an Advanced Degree (Master’s, Doctorate, or Postdoctorate) and Technical Staff in Institutions Participating in the Mediterranean Sea Research Center for Israel – Year A 5771 Tender No.: 9/4