Pic: Ben Herzberg
SNAPIR AUV (3000m)
Delivered in 2017, the ECA robotics A18D is a state-of-the-art deep water AUV, capable of rapidly and acurately mapping large areas of the sea floor. The Autonomous vehicle carries several sensors as its payload, among them an interferometric synthetic aperture sonar (SAS), sub-bottom profiler, video 3D camera and water quality sensors. Additional payloads can be integrated in a dedicated “open” section which can optionally be mounted on the vehicle. Rated to 3000 meter depth, the AUV can operate near the seabed in most of the mediterranean, and the entirety of Israel’s EEZ.
Weight: 800kg
Length: 5500mm (4900mm without configurable section)
Diameter: 500mm
Endurance: 24 hours at typical payload configuration
Depth rating: 3000msw
Speed: 2kt minimum, 5kt maximum
Kraken MINSAS120 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) – 3cm/pixel resolution
Edgetech 2205 Sub-bottom profiler
Bowtech 3D HD video camera
NORBIT WBMS Multibeam Echo sounder:
400 kHz central frequency
0.9×1.9 degree resolution, maximum range 265m – produces detailed bathymetry up to 140 degree opening angle, depending on altitude of AUV
Partner Institution : University of Haifa
Contact details:
Prof. Yizhaq Makovsky
E-mail : yizhaq@univ.haifa.ac.il
Tel: 052-3020406
Reduced Usage Fee for MERCI members:
One time mobilization fee NIS 13,260 and a daily usage rate of NIS 20,675
We would be happy to provide further details and a fee offer to other institutions,
Please contact Maayan Sabo