PhD student in the Laboratory for Marine Ecology at the School of Zoology at Tel Aviv University under the supervision of Professor Yoni Belmaker .
Sarah Ohayon
“Hi! I am Sarah Ohayon, a PhD student in the Laboratory for Marine Ecology at the School of Zoology at Tel Aviv University under the supervision of Professor Yoni Belmaker .
In my doctoral dissertation I am researching the spatial efficiency of marine nature reserves, and especially their potential to contribute to fisheries through a process called fish spillover. When a marine reserve reaches its full efficiency (all the good niches in the reserve are “occupied”) we may observe a process in which fish will migrate beyond the boundaries of the reserve. In this way, marine nature reserves can contribute not only to conservation of marine ecosystems and wildlife but also to regeneration of fish stocks depleted as a result of overfishing.
I completed my Bsc in marine sciences in the Marine College in Mikhmoret and my Msc in marine microbiology in Bar-Ilan University under the supervision of Professor Ilana Berman-Frank.”
Received Award An Encouragement Of Mediterranean Sea Research Scholarship To Students Holding Advanced Degrees, Year A 5771