Dr. Gil Rilov – Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research

Prof. Gil Rilov - Israel Oceanographic & Limnological ResearchMember of the Educational Committee  E-mail: rilocg@ocean.org.ilResearch Areas: Ecology and nature conservationPosition at IOLR: Head of the Marine Community Ecology Lab at the Israel…

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Prof. Giti Yahel – Ruppin Academic Center

Prof. Giti Yahel - Ruppin Academic CenterMember of the Scientific Committee Member of the Educational Committee  Member of the Secondary Scientific Committee: Infrastructure Research Areas: Biological oceanography and marine biology Email Yahel@ruppin.ac.ilAdditional information: personal…

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Prof. Zohar Gvirtzman-Geological Institute

Prof. Zohar Gvirtzman-Geological Institute Member of the Scientific Committee Email zohar@gsi.gov.il Research Areas: tectonics, stratigraphy, Messinian salinity crisis, salt tectonics Position at the Geologic Institute: Head of the Subsurface Research Laboratory Additional information: personal website  Current…

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