Read more about the article Assessment of Geo-hazards along the strike slip fault, 20 mile offshore Atlit
ציוד הסייסמי למיפוי הגיאופיסי מותקן על ספינתת המחקר בת גלים

Assessment of Geo-hazards along the strike slip fault, 20 mile offshore Atlit

Assessment of Geo-hazards along the strike slip fault, 20 mile offshore Atlit Leading researcher: Dr. Gideon Tibor and Dr. Mor Kanari,  Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research (IOLR) Together with researchers:…

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Read more about the article Dr. Yizhaq Makovsky

Dr. Yizhaq Makovsky

 Prof. Yizhaq MakovskyTechnical Director, University of HaifaTel: +972-4-8249261Email: Areas: Active seafloor processes – climate and conservation, potential geohazards and resources, Margin and basin studies, Multi-attribute 2D & 3D seismic methods in offshore research,…

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Staff Prof. Ilana Berman-FrankHead of the Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel Email: Position: Former Head of the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences Research Areas: The impact of…

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About MERCIMediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel (MERCI) Leading the Study of the Mediterranean in IsraelThe accelerated development in the waters within Israel’s Exclusive Economic Zone has increased the importance of…

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Prof. Giti Yahel – Ruppin Academic Center

Prof. Giti Yahel - Ruppin Academic CenterMember of the Scientific Committee Member of the Educational Committee  Member of the Secondary Scientific Committee: Infrastructure Research Areas: Biological oceanography and marine biology Email information: personal…

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Prof. Zohar Gvirtzman-Geological Institute

Prof. Zohar Gvirtzman-Geological Institute Member of the Scientific Committee Email Research Areas: tectonics, stratigraphy, Messinian salinity crisis, salt tectonics Position at the Geologic Institute: Head of the Subsurface Research Laboratory Additional information: personal website  Current…

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Dr. Shiri Tsemah Shamir – Interdisiplinary Center Hertzliya

Dr. Shiri Zemah-Shamir Reichman University (IDC Herzliya )Member of the Scientific Committee Chair of Educational Committee From 2022  Email Role at the Reichman University: Head of Economics-Sustainability trackResearch Areas: Marine environment economics, cost-benefit…

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