Tel Aviv University – Epsilon 1 Benchtop X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrophotometer

Epsilon 1 Benchtop X-ray Fluorescence Spectrophotometer  Partner Institution: Tel Aviv UniversityContact details:Prof.  Micha IlanE-mail: 03-6408613Usage Fee for MERCI Members: 160 NIS A day + Technician -160 NIS an hourUsage…

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Technion – Data Acquisition System for the Thermoacoustics Laboratory

Data Acquisition System for the Thermoacoustics Laboratory A heat-pump test bench: Sensors for measuring acoustic waves, pressures and temperature. Data acquisition and signal analysis system, controlled thermal experimentsPartner Institution: Technion…

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Technion – The Dynamics of a Hydrocarbon-Degrading Bacterial Biofilm at Liquid -Liquid Interface, Under Flowing Condition

The Dynamics of a Hydrocarbon-Degrading Bacterial Biofilm at Liquid -Liquid Interface, under Flowing Conditions Partner Institution: Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyContact Person: Prof. Guy RamonContact details:E-mail: 02-8292580Usage Fee…

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Isotope Analyzer Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer IRMS – The Hebrew University

IRMS- Isotope Analyzer Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer Partner Institution: The Hebrew University of JerusalemContact Person: Prof. Hagit AffekContact details:E-mail: 02-6584654Usage Fee for MERCI Members: 1,000 NIS per dayUsage Fee for…

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